It is advised that the following documentary be viewed at ones own risk. Offsides&Bongobundos Productions declines any if at all responsibility for whatever harm that could result from the viewing of the aforementioned documentary. In fact, we wholeheartedly recommend you not to watch it. If you do watch it though -against our plea- do notice that whatever your moral, religious or historical stance it will be satirized within the film, and if not explicitly, you can consider it to be satirized, implicitly.
It is just a pity that the rushy script and the limited possibilities of both, the MovieMaker Digital -at and my imagination -at sunrise, CE Time-, do not allow for a better representation of the original Donkey Chat Files, aka The Donkey Brief, aka A Persian Conspiracy, From Zoroaster to Jesus' Dark Years, aka El Viejo, el Burrito y los Reyes Magos.
Not having any answer yet from the BBC Feature & Documentary Release Team, here you have the featured presentation of The Donkey Files (the extended, revised and polished version of which we expect to present somewhat sooner or later).