Alireza invites us to watch and listen to this documentary on Tehrani underground life and music.
Check the trailer here. It is very interesting.
As far as we now it has been displayed at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, last April. If you have any news on where and when can this Iranian-British-German docu be found, please leave us a note!
Oh, do listen to O-Hum "Hafez in Love" and visit their web space. Listening to this song I noticed that those of you who have not witnessed Spanish film "El Día de la Bestia" won't fully understand how Persian Spain is...
P.S. Only if you really feel like, check the Spanish Underground: Def Con Dos and Los Enemigos (and turn the volume Down before clicking on these links...).
P.D. Ey, Santi, si te paseas por aquí que sepas que cada vez me apetece más escuchar ese CD!