"I don't want a monarchy of slaves"
No, I have not contacted Ms. Cheney, nor will I. I have other things to do, and I don’t think any amount of money will help either.
The problem is Iranians. You can’t throw money at the problem. Interestingly enough that’s what the liberal democrats are always accused of: throwing money at the problem.
As I have learned to see it, since around 5/6 years ago when I started to care again about Iran: very same mindsets that led to the revolution in the first place are still in effect. Iranians have not really changed. Well, they dress differently, and pretend like they are different, but I don’t see a big change in the rank and file. And the Islamic Republicans seem to be still in majority, at least the vocal, open and present majority.
If RP has any supporters in Iran, then I don’t have much evidence for it, I don’t really see it. The only ones who are active and say things are Islamic Republicans, whether they are reformist or conservative. After them come the leftist and nationalist republicans. And lastly there are some “monarchists” with whom actually I would like to have nothing to do. I dispise them and in them I see how events could’ve led to the revolution. They have no idea whatsoever about democratic politics and think they can do things only by force or firey but ultimatly empty rhetoric. They are by and large chauvinistic and un-emancipated. And on top of it, they are not at all willing to walk the walk or risk anything. Most of the so called opposition (to the whole regime), that is the leftists, the nationalist republicans and the monarchists, like to shout things from the dark, but they don’t even have the courage to use their own names, let alone show their faces somewhere or endure some sort of hardship… they are sweet-water-pirates… only
courageous when they are face to face with weakness. Well that can be generally said of all Iranians. The only time they have any courage, is against people who are essentially harmless. That is why they so easily overthrew the Shah who was not willing to really crack-down on them, calling him fascist and what not, but when it comes to real fascists wielding batons, they all turn into cute little obedient servants who will only say something when they are sure that no one can recognize them... …
And this also has to do with their need for a leader, a sheppard, a better… One of the biggest reasons why I like RP is that he rejects this trap, which is: letting people put him up as a leader, only to bring him down like the statues of his father. As long as people are not willing to individually take responsibility for their own actions, things will remain the same. And with money also. There are those who remind me that the revolution of 1979 was done with money, and with leadership. On top of that of course are violent actions, such as setting fire to places and bombing and assasinating people. I am sure one could repeat that with success.
But without me. My point is not to turn Iran into a monarchy. Not at all, unless people deserve it. And people will not deserve it as long as they are weaklings looking for leaders and hidding behind powerful men or countries. I don’t want a monarchy of slaves. And if it’s going to take forever until men have emancipated themselves from their mental slavery and have given up on being followers, then so be it.
Democracy is not something that will some day come. Freedom is not something that will someday come. Courage is not something that will someday come. Each person has to do it on his own and starting immediately. Instead of waiting for a leader, each one has to be a leader, firstly of him or her self. Following this, RP is my prince, because he is already acting like it. In the context of a constitutional monarchy, which is what he would prefer, the prince is not a “charismatic” person leading a herd of sheep. That is the left over of some backward totalitarian mindset.
The prince is the one who acts like a prince, and that means, not sitting there and everyday trying to fire people up with rhetorical lies and impossible promises. But rather, to be a distant, civilized and calm voice of reason.
RP’s biggest problem, as far as I can see, is his followers who again and again push people away from him in that they have not given up on the totalitarian quasi racist and ethno-centrist mindset, picking fights with Arabs or Islam or whatnot (only from where there are no Arabs or Muslims, otherwise they would all turn into little mice) and one sees that.
So, if you want something like Poland, Ukrain, Georgia, or anything like that, then mobilize a factory worker who can talk to the hoi polloi. I don’t want that, and I won’t follow anyone like that. I honestly don’t think RP wants that too.
So, yes, unity, solidarity, focus, I agree with this. But the leader… I’ll be mine, and you be your own.
Of course we should do more. But what? Naming RP a leader? Is that anything? I think I have given quite specific points about this:
a. People need to be made friends. They need to be encouraged not to fear one another, not to hate one another and not to attack one another’s customs or religions or whatever. In specific terms, the point of action would be to tell someone who lives in Shemiran, to get his sandwitch in Narmak, someone who likes to go to a cafe and lives in Saltanatabad, should drive down or for God’s sake take the stinking subway down to downtown and have a cup of coffee there and find out specifically what it is that people are thinking.
b. Once one knows what people in each area of each city want in specific terms, not just in rhetorical generalities, but learning about what their specific pains are… then one must type up clear one page fliers in a language that the particular audience can understand (and not in some twisted middle Persian sans the Arabic words so to sound I-ranian) and go and distribute them. This takes some scopping of the area, there is the matter of a copy machine and a good type writer and sufficient paper, a car to transport the things, and some people who would have the courage to go and distribute the fliers. This would go together with other such activities like writing things on the walls etc.
c. Uptowners who have access to the internet should furthermore record interesting speeches and soundbites on whatever machine or sytem that is more available in downtown and distribute these.
For this, it takes not only courage but some monitary investment also. But if you live in Vanak and above, then you should do it yourself, under your own leadership and not beg for cash from Liz Cheney. This also cannot be coordinated from Virginia, it must be coordinated by people from within. But I fear that most people are just all talk, waiting for US or RP or some other big brother to do something for their sorry lazy asses.
About the people of Iran suffering, I am really not sure. As far as I can tell, I am suffering a lot more than many many of them are. Both financially and spiritually. I think the majority of them are free from thinking altogether, and much much much more rich than me, my friends or family has ever been. If they really suffer, they should do something for themselves. On the contrary, I think many of them secretly want things to stay the way they are so that they can fish in muddied waters better… after all, if some fucking retard like Ahmadinejad is in charge of town planning, what it means for the rich mother fuckers on the hills is that they can let their slave-labor-built high rises to sprout everywhere without any rhyme and reason…
At the end I am not sure about RP’s international influence. No one really cares about him, because, much like I, not many people can believe that he actually has any political capital at all. The sorry ass scared little monarchists who like to talk on the phone don’t really count…
So, yes things are in a bad way and urgent. No, RP cannot be a leader. As the narrowest way is always the holiest, there is no other way but finding Iranians who are ready to do it for themselves. The movement they need… is on their own shoulders.
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