Yet another coincidence...
This week I was the "Back-up" intensivist, I would only go to work if things were out of control. Last night, I dreamt that I got called in because a patient had cardiac arrest, they needed my help; in my dreams after what seemed an eternity of resuscitation, the child died. I woke in sweats; I called the hospital to see if they needed me; with a surprise tone, the physician on duty told me everything was okay and they needed no help.
I started walking to a coffee-shop. 10 minutes after I called the hospital, I got paged. I called back: they were doing chest compressions a new admission and they needed my help. I drove to work. We resuscitated for four hours (the longest I have ever done chest compressions). She didn't survive.... May be there is some meaning in our dreams! (She was an A student, while I was doing chest compressions, father touched my hand and told me she wanted to be a Pediatrician).
Oh, dreams / those corrugations of consciousness / chaotic doors of perception
The logical world we live in is a but a well set building of consciousness; of a categorizing apparatus aimed to produce law and order. As a categorizing machine, consciousness brings together the similar, the average, creating concepts that can -and are- logically mixed up to produce yet new concepts.
As such, Science can be defined as a post hoc construction of consciousness, an averaging of perceptions and measures of those perceptions.
Science can predict the average result of flipping a hundred coins, the average behavior of a current of electrons, the average speed at which sugar molecules coalesce with in a solution of milk and coffee. And yet Science cannot so easily predict the individual behavior of single events, as the result of a single flipping coin or the movement of one particular electron in a wire. Even Galilei had to invent a pure world of no friction to explain the average speed of his rolling stones, in Pisa.
Averaging is the mechanism through which consciousness brings law and order. But there is a huge un-categorizable world surrounding us, or at least a huge world that resists our categorizing. Of course, and to protect our sanity, we either deny the un-categorizable or leave it as a matter-of-time (for science to categorize it).
Time is one such concept that resists our attempts to categorize it -as constant, linear, unidirectional. The intromission of accounts such as those of Alex' dreams defy our 'well set building' of average knowledge. I am not sure where might this take us but I have the feeling that there is (in spite of the obvious successes of our logical consciousnesses) a non-logical world that should be approached with non-logical mechanisms.
Anticipation, intuition, communication... you tell us what to do with all this, Alireza.