Ahmadineyad jumps into the top 40 list, directly to number six of Spanish newspaper front-pages with his new hit "Let's Get Rid of Occidental Decadence"; a mellow and simple ballad with yet stunning lyrics that could perfectly fit an Ice Cube rap.
<If you wanna see God, Kill Pop, Kill Pop!> -sings the Iranian 'rapper'. <I'm daddy-hangman, call me madman; my diet is divine against musical hunger>.
Mr. Daddy-Hangman's concern of parenting his easily disturbed followers appears as the constant motto of all the hits of the short but brilliant career of this fifty-two year old musician, that includes "Nuclear Doll", "Jolly Dead Jew" and "Westfornication". <He is like a father> -says a one-eyed young Iranian enthusiast; <You know, I can easily understand what he says... And he only means good to us>.
The referred good intentions of Ahmadineyad clash with a wall of incomprehension though, especially from those with equally good intentions but of a different sign.
The perplexed witnesses of this maquiavelian "war among civilizations" remain necessarily silent, playing hide-and-seek while trying to remember old tunes... from those of Pink Floyd to Guns N'Roses' "Live and Let Die".
<If there is something to learn from most of the top 40 hits> -says 98 year old minstrel Reinaldo Cienfuegos- <is what not to do when composing a song>.
This was Chema Saltasebes, Bongobundos News Agency, FBA Associate, informing from Asturias.