i guess there is not much one can do but always remember and work for those less fortunate, while sharing the joy of ones own luck. i wonder if that is enough, anyway. i just do not see the point of just suffering because of all the suffering around. but i am a buffoon.
ok, and this is Elisa in her real personality. i do not need to say that she represents good and evil, or even something beyond good and evil; in a way she is Dyonisus and I am one of the satyrs that follow her. when I first saw ourselves dressed like this I thought of Polifemo and Galatea... only later I remembered Sophia and Ildabaoth.
anyway; at the end it was not as typical as we first thought to be disguised on new year's eve. so because of some minor misunderstanding we ended up in the middle of Krakow, dressed like this; everybody started taking pictures of us and with us and even giving us money for posing with them.
I learned later that the buffoon is a highly respectable figure here in Krakow. and I don't think i need to comment on religion... I think very few people felt offended though, and, in a way, we ended up being -unintentionally- very Krakovian and very typical.
so anyway, we had a great time walking around town in our costumes and playing with everybody, and we really enjoyed, afterwards, the disguise-party at our friends house...
happy new year!
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